
  • 姓    名:

  • 国    籍:

    South Africa
  • 性    别:

  • 年    龄:

  • 学    历:

    University Degree
  • 工作经验:

    4-6 years
  • 工作性质:

  • 所在地区:

  • 希望工作地点:

  • 希望薪金:

  • ( 积分13) 所在地:


Relevant Work Experience:
Educator: Department of Education (April 2016 – Present)
Brettonwood High School
Subjects: English HL (Grades 11, 12), Dramatic Arts (Grades 10, 11, 12)
Heather Secondary School
Subjects: English HL (Grades 8-12)
 Elected Teacher Liaison Officer (2019) responsible for the RCL
and the planning and organisation of all social and fundraising initiatives.
 Appointed as a marker: National Senior Certificate (English Home
Language Paper 1 (2018)).
 Ensuring that both classroom practices and teaching strategies promote
a culture of diversity, tolerance and respect.
 Delivering engaging, coherent and motivating lessons to learners at
varying developmental stages.
 Adopting a wide range of innovative teaching methodologies to meet
learners’ individual needs.
 Making effective use of scaffolding to enable the meaningful and effective
progression of learners towards meeting desired lesson and subject
 Performing all administrative duties of a registration/form class educator.
  • Stephanie2019的其它人才资料
  • Keshin
    国籍:South Africa       求职意向: 教育教学类
    学历:University Degree       期望薪资:15000-20000RMB
    到岗:越快越好       意向地点: 最好在